
為什麼拾到錢卻變為盜竊? i did it the same case, plz help me


this case i did it is the same,so what am i gonna do, i dun mean that i want to took the money and i tried to find da man to give him back money , when i came out i cant find the man. i dunno how to handle the money and the next day i had to work so i just put it in my wallet. but now i'm so scared do i hv... 顯示更多 this case i did it is the same,so what am i gonna do, i dun mean that i want to took the money and i tried to find da man to give him back money , when i came out i cant find the man. i dunno how to handle the money and the next day i had to work so i just put it in my wallet. but now i'm so scared do i hv to go to jail or not ? 更新: cuz i hv a son i hv to take care and my husband b4 hv 案底 and 守行為 now , cuz this case is non of his business , but the picture had show us go to take a money ,even he told me that i hv to give them back the money , but i didn't listen to him to make a mistake,plz help me 更新 2: 為什麼拾到錢卻變為盜竊? 舊年有個朋友在香港某區的櫃員機轉帳時,發現櫃員機上有人提款忘了取錢,我朋友見四下無人便將款項拿走了.事隔半年,有警員致電她家裡,要她上警察局,上去後警員給她一張她站在櫃員機取款的相片,我朋友當場認有拿錢,後來警員要她馬上將所拿的錢交出來,還要她交保釋金,並且還要上法庭,罪名是盜竊. 請問香港的法律會怎麼判我的朋友呢?我的朋友又該怎麼做才好? i did da same case :( 更新 3: they're just extend my cast till next month , is it big problem :( .........


210 章:盜竊罪條例 第 2 條: 盜竊罪的基本定義 1) 如任何人不誠實地挪佔屬於另一人的財產,意圖永久地剝奪該另一人的財產,即屬犯盜竊罪,而“竊賊”(thief) 及“偷竊”(steal) 亦須據此解釋。 你與你朋友已干犯盜竊罪, 在比口供前應先找律師. 如已比口供, 也要請律師幫助. 沒有其他選擇.


拾遺不報不嬲都係illegal 反而你報左 3個月後冇人認領 你名正言順拎又唔同 有d再正直d ge 人到果時都寧願俾警方既case都聽過 d錢又唔係你勞力賺既 點解咁易屬於你呢?|||||係咪你冇報差館?|||||有相為証, 所以無得賴...... 一般case嚟講都会判盗窃罪 ( 即不誠實地拿取他人財物 ), 如果係第一次, 一般都係罸款及守行為(留案底), 不過要睇當時法官嘅心情及decision...



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