以下是我在網上查到的資料,裏面的內容完全解答了你旳問題,但由於字數太多,我只會把大概意思告訴你: Why the numbers on a dartboard are arranged the way they are is a question that comes up frequently. Sven Silow (sven@sdd.dart.se) explained it best: "The number system on the board is often blamed on a Brian Gamlin, a carpenter from Bury, Lancashire, who is said to have invented it at the age of 44 in 1896. This story is much doubted though, and it is even questioned whether he lived at all. According to another source, Thomas William Buckle invented the dartboard in 1913. The source in question is his son, Thomas Edward Buckle who 1992 made this statement in Darts World (nr 234). By the way, the dartboard that is used over most of the world today is not the only one that exists or have existed. Boards with other number systems/sequences exists as well. The Manchester board is still used and there has been many others (ex. the Grimsby board, which had double 14 on top). Actually TE Buckle says that Gamlin could possibly have invented the Manchester board (a bit more geographically probable?). Without having done any research on the subject, I can't help but believe that darts were played a bit at random in the beginning and that a lot of numbering systems were used, and that they probably changed from time to time and place to place (hence the many different boards that no longer are in use). A few systems survived - and especially so the "London board" which we use today with few exceptions. I don't think that there has been any greater thought behind the numbering either. Low numbers beside high numbers, it can be done in numerous ways (and probably were). The number-sequence we have today has probably just chance (and that it perhaps was better than most of the other used systems) to thank for it's survival. It's not extremely special though, even if we find it intricate, and could have been done in other ways, not less good." 資料來源: http://www.dartbase.com/Sect1/14.html 其實飛鏢靶上的數字排列形式多變,而來源也是一個謎。不過在飛鏢運動界中,大部份人都認為是英格蘭人Brian Gamlin在1896年自創的。另外,亦有人認為是Thomas William Buckle 在1913年自創的。後者的說法是根據Thomas William Buckle 的兒子在1992向飛鏢運動界的人所透露的。 事實上,在不同時代,不同地方,飛鏢靶上數字排列的方法也不同。不好用的逐漸被人淘汰,今時今日還沿用的飛鏢靶數字的排列方式就是經過歷史淘汰後,仍然可以生存的。最常用的是有20 個數字,20放在最頂的,排列的方法背後也沒有什麼特別的道理。還有其實不同種類的排列法,你可以到我所提供的網站參考更多資料。 圖片參考:http://www.dazadi.com/images/p200/dmi_ND400.jpg 較常用的飛鏢靶
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