English Writing (Taiwan)
- 我想搵律師証婚呀,,
- 關羽簡短生平(100字左右) 和關羽的功過(300字左右)
- christmas buffet
- mims....
- 點解我的採用率咁低---
- 我想問..怎樣由大埔去黃竹坑警察訓練學校..
- 香港到虎門_4
- 213 樂聲電子, 請指教
- 中二級數學題
- 最慳油的5人私家車是那幾部-
Please give some information for me of Taiwan ! (P.S. The climate of Taiwan~) 十點~ Thanks !! 更新: Thanks, Yip
Whether you wish to travel to Taipei, Taiwan on holiday, business or vacation, are interested in buying property there or are looking to migrate the following Taipei, Taiwan climate, temperature and weather information should prove helpful: The average temperature in Taipei, Taiwan is 21.6 °C (71 °F). The average temperature range is 13.5 °C. The highest monthly average high temperature is 33 °C (91 °F) in July. The lowest monthly average low temperature is 12 °C (54 °F) in January & February. Taipei, Taiwan's climate receives an average of 2100 mm (82.7 in) of rainfall per year, or 175 mm (6.9 in) per month. On average there are 188 days per year with more than 0.1 mm (0.004 in) of rainfall (precipitation) or 16 days with a quantity of rain, sleet, snow etc. per month. The driest weather is in November when an average of 71 mm (2.8 in) of rainfall (precipitation) occurrs across 15 days. The wettest weather is in June when an average of 322 mm (12.7 in) of rainfall (precipitation) occurrs across 16 days. The average annual relative humidity is 81.6% and average monthly relative humidity ranges from 78% in July & August to 84% in January, February, March. Average sunlight hours in Taipei, Taiwan range between 2.6 hours per day in February and 7.3 hours per day in July. There are an average of 1644 hours of sunlight per year with an average of 4.5 hours of sunlight per day. There are an average of 0 days per year with frost in Taipei, Taiwan and in January there are an average of 0 days with frost.