





Headlands Rides The Dragon - A steel roller coaster with a maximum speed of 77 km/h with 842 metres of track. The ride lasts approximately 2.5 minutes. The Abyss Turbo Drop - raises the visitors up and drops them straight down in free fall in 5 seconds. Flying Swing The Eagle Crazy Galleon Ferris Wheel Headland Games Adventure Land Mine Train - A roller coaster Space Wheel Raging River Ocean Park Escalator - At 224 m (745ft), it is the second longest in the world. It is outdoors, but weatherproof. Marine Land Pacific Pier - sealions are displayed Atoll Reef - 2000 fish in 250 species are displayed. Shark Aquarium - 70 sharks from 35 species are displayed. Ocean Theater - Performances by dolphins and sealions can be watched. Ocean Park Tower - A sort of observation deck that rises high enough for park-goers to survey the South China Sea. Sea Jelly Spectacular - more than 1000 jellyfish are displayed. Lowland Gardens Giant Panda Habitat - Home to two pandas, Jia Jia (female) and An An (male). Dinosaurs - Now and Then - Features animatronic and still model dinosaurs. Two of the dinosaurs represented, the dilophosaurus and the velociraptor, are inaccurate and based on the way the dinosaurs appear in Jurassic Park. The dilophosaurus is shown with a neck frill. The velociraptor is much taller than its actual size. Butterfly House - a glass cocoon where butterflies are bred. Goldfish Pagoda - more than 100 varieties of Chinese and Japanese goldfish are exhibited. Whiskers' Wild Ride - a theater with moving seats. Amazing Amazon The Amazing Birds Show Caverns of Darkness 3D Cable Car Grand Prix Kids' World Dolphin University Whisker's Theatre Rides for Kids Tiny Town Games Bird Paradise The Aviaries Flamingo Pond - a pond where Flamingos are kept 海洋公園格蘭披治地帶 Ocean Park Grand Prix 發電站 Power Station 威威至激之旅 Whiskers' Wild Ride 登山纜車 Cable Car 香港賽馬會大熊貓園 The Hong Kong Jockey Club Giant Panda Habitat 雀鳥劇場 Amazing Birds Theatre 亞馬遜歷險迷程 Amazing Amazon 水母萬花筒 Sae Jelly Spectacular 鯊魚館 Shark Aquarium 海洋館 Atoll Reef 海洋劇場 Ocean Theatre 太平洋海岸 Pacific Pier 海洋摩天塔 Ocean Park Tower 飛天鞦韆 Flying Swing 摩天巨輪 Ferris Wheel 瘋狂過山車 The Dragon (註:海洋公園的過山車不叫 roller coaster) 沖天搖擺船 (海盜船) Crazy Galleon 極速之旅 (跳樓機) The Abyss 翻天飛鷹 Eagle 越礦飛車 Mine Train 滑浪飛船 Raging River 太空摩天輪 Space Wheel 兒童王國及魚池鳥籠等等 海洋公園官方導遊圖



如果要打比你既話 實在太多了 你可以到這個網: 提供兒童樂園、水族館、雀鳥天堂及機動遊戲,含售票詳情。|||||海洋公園格蘭披治地帶 Ocean Park Grand Prix 發電站 Power Station 威威至激之旅 Whiskers' Wild Ride 登山纜車 Cable Car 香港賽馬會大熊貓園 The Hong Kong Jockey Club Giant Panda Habitat 雀鳥劇場 Amazing Birds Theatre 亞馬遜歷險迷程 Amazing Amazon 水母萬花筒 Sae Jelly Spectacular 鯊魚館 Shark Aquarium 海洋館 Atoll Reef 海洋劇場 Ocean Theatre 太平洋海岸 Pacific Pier 海洋摩天塔 Ocean Park Tower 飛天鞦韆 Flying Swing 摩天巨輪 Ferris Wheel 瘋狂過山車 The Dragon (註:海洋公園的過山車不叫 roller coaster) 沖天搖擺船 (海盜船) Crazy Galleon 極速之旅 (跳樓機) The Abyss 翻天飛鷹 Eagle 越礦飛車 Mine Train 滑浪飛船 Raging River 太空摩天輪 Space Wheel 兒童王國及魚池鳥籠等等 海洋公園官方導遊圖|||||Headlands Rides The Dragon - A steel roller coaster with a maximum speed of 77 km/h with 842 metres of track. The ride lasts approximately 2.5 minutes. The Abyss Turbo Drop - raises the visitors up and drops them straight down in free fall in 5 seconds. Flying Swing The Eagle Crazy Galleon Ferris Wheel Headland Games Adventure Land Mine Train - A roller coaster Space Wheel Raging River Ocean Park Escalator - At 224 m (745ft), it is the second longest in the world. It is outdoors, but weatherproof. Marine Land Pacific Pier - sealions are displayed Atoll Reef - 2000 fish in 250 species are displayed. Shark Aquarium - 70 sharks from 35 species are displayed. Ocean Theater - Performances by dolphins and sealions can be watched. Ocean Park Tower - A sort of observation deck that rises high enough for park-goers to survey the South China Sea. Sea Jelly Spectacular - more than 1000 jellyfish are displayed. Lowland Gardens Giant Panda Habitat - Home to two pandas, Jia Jia (female) and An An (male). Dinosaurs - Now and Then - Features animatronic and still model dinosaurs. Two of the dinosaurs represented, the dilophosaurus and the velociraptor, are inaccurate and based on the way the dinosaurs appear in Jurassic Park. The dilophosaurus is shown with a neck frill. The velociraptor is much taller than its actual size. Butterfly House - a glass cocoon where butterflies are bred. Goldfish Pagoda - more than 100 varieties of Chinese and Japanese goldfish are exhibited. Whiskers' Wild Ride - a theater with moving seats. Amazing Amazon The Amazing Birds Show Caverns of Darkness 3D Cable Car Grand Prix Kids' World Dolphin University Whisker's Theatre Rides for Kids Tiny Town Games Bird Paradise The Aviaries Flamingo Pond - a pond where Flamingos are kept more information in chinese

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