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- 《火影忍者》動畫的所有番外篇集數_9
The following table shows some dynasties in China and their corresponding periods under the western calendar.Dynasty PeriodQin Dynasty 221BC-206BCWestern Han Dynasty 206BC-AD8Eastern Han Dynasty AD25-AD220Six Dynasties ... 顯示更多 The following table shows some dynasties in China and their corresponding periods under the western calendar. Dynasty Period Qin Dynasty 221BC-206BC Western Han Dynasty 206BC-AD8 Eastern Han Dynasty AD25-AD220 Six Dynasties AD220-AD581 Sui Dynasty AD581-AD618 Tang Dynasty AD618-AD907 Five Dynasties AD907-AD960 Northern Song Dynasty AD960-AD1127 Southern Song Dynasty AD1127-AD1279 Yuan Dynasty AD1279-AD1368 Ming Dynasty AD1368-AD1644 Qing Dynasty AD1644-AD1911 (a)How long is the duration of the western Han Dynasty?(e.g. Duration of the xing Dynasty =(1911-1644+1)years= 268 years) (b)How many years are there from the beginning of the Qin Dynasty to the fall of the Qing Dynasty? (c)Which dynasty started after 1 000 years from the fall of the Qin Dynasty? 更新: 唔該請解釋一下!!
a)How long is the duration of the western Han Dynasty? Western Han Dynasty 206BC-AD8 BC 這個解作公元前,它總共有 206 年 AD 這個解作公元後,它總共有 8 年 (e.g. Duration of the xing Dynasty =(1911-1644+1)years= 268 years) 以上已經有個好例子。 兩個公元的年數加在一起︰(206 + 8) 之後記得要加沒有數過的一年︰1 (206 + 8 + 1)years = 215years (b)How many years are there from the beginning of the Qin Dynasty to the fall of the Qing Dynasty? The beginning of the Qin Dynasty︰Qin Dynasty 221BC-206BC The fall of the Qing Dynasty︰Qing Dynasty AD1644-AD1911 公元前一共有 221 年,公元後一共有 1911 年,之後再加沒有數到的 1 年。 (221 + 1911 + 1)years = 2133years (c)Which dynasty started after 1 000 years from the fall of the Qin Dynasty? 其實我想問呢題你有冇問錯? The fall of Qin Dynasty︰Qin Dynasty 221BC-206BC 公元前有 206 年,用 1000年減左呢個數先,淨返加 1 就係公元後 794 + 1 = 795th year(第七百九十五年) 但最接近都只是︰Tang Dynasty AD618-AD907 這算不算是唐朝的開始?