想去uni. melb. 讀commerce
我宜家form7 ce 24分eng lv4 讀緊phy chem bio 之前冇讀過account 大學想去uni. melb讀account 有咩diploma我讀完 可以比較易升到year2 其實diplomer升上year2 係咪好難咖?? 同埋讀foundation好d 定diploma 好d?? thanks!
你話想讀U Melb既Account,係咪呢個Bachelor of Commerce? http://coursesearch.unimelb.edu.au/coursedetail.aspx?cid=1507&as=&ctype=&qtype=&typepw=1&typepg=1&typeug=1&typesc=1&typepe=1&typepd=1&typer=1&stype=Keyword&sterm=accounting 除左international students要fulfil English requirement as below,再無其他special requirement.所以你有無讀過account都唔緊要. 另外,就算其他大學,一向account呢科都無special requirement,唔會話要求學生中學讀過account.以我經驗,就算中學無讀過account,上到大學都一樣manage到.因為通常入U year 1頭一個semester or 2個semester,無論揀咩major,as long as 係BBA (Bachelor of Commerce in this case),core course其中會有一科introduction to accounting (或類似既名).個Course主要好快咁cover一般中學account既syllabus,無讀過account既學生就襯呢個時候打返個底.同讀過account既學生相比,無讀過account既呢個時候會辛苦少少(只係少少,唔算係太過辛苦),因為讀過account果d人會屈機.但之後繼續讀上去,有無讀過account都一樣,讀過既唔會特別有優勢.反而,你讀Phy Chem Bio既analytical mind set可能仲比較有幫助. Meeting the University's TOEFL or IELTS (academic test) requirements within the 24 months preceding application: TOEFL*: Paper based test - a score of 577 or more including a score of 4.5 in the Test of Written English. Computer based test - a score of 233 or more including an Essay Rating score of 4.5. Internet based test - a score of 90 or more with no band score less than 21. IELTS*: an overall band score of 6.5 or more in the International English Language Testing System (IELTS), including the completion of the Academic Reading and Academic Writing modules. A minimum score of 6.0 must be achieved in the Academic Writing module. 其實你CE 24分,英文又唔係差,點解你會考慮diploma同foundation呢? 呢間學校接受以A-Level成績投考架wor.. 佢仲列明2010 admission 既indicative point係12,相等如4科C.點解你唔直接考入U呢?慳時間又慳錢… 直接入U,唔使讀完dip / foundation又要考,同人競爭擔心入唔入到. http://coursesearch.unimelb.edu.au/coursedetail.aspx?cid=1507&as=&ctype=2&qtype=11&typepw=1&typepg=1&typeug=1&typesc=1&typepe=1&typepd=1&typer=1&stype=Keyword&sterm=accounting&tab=2 而家專心考好A-Level先啦,揀學校既野遲d諗都得! 成績好,去邊都得! 你揀人總好過人揀你ㄚ嘛~ Good Luck!
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