

High Blood Pressure


I know blood pressure below 120 is ok, over 140 is high, but how high blood pressure can be ? 200? 300?





The blood pressure is the force exerted on the walls of your blood vessels (artery) as blood through them. Your heart is like a pump. When it contracts, or beats, it sends a surge of blood through the blood vessels and pressure increases. This is called systolic pressure.(收縮期血壓) When your heart relaxes between beats, your blood pressure decreases. This is called your diastolic pressure.(舒張期血壓) Normal blood pressure falls within a range -- it's not one set of numbers. But if you're an adult, it should be less than 140/90 mmHg. If you have diabetes, renal insufficiency or heart failure, your doctor will want it to be no higher than 130/85 mmHg. If your blood pressure goes above this threshold and stays there, you have high blood pressure. High blood pressure adds to the workload of the heart and arteries. The heart must pump with more force, and the arteries must carry blood that is moving under greateer pressure. If high blood pressure continues for a long time, the heart and the arteries my not function as well as they should and other body organs my also be affected. There is increased risk of stroke, heart failure and heart attack.(如此會導致中風,心臟衰竭及心肌梗塞的危機等心臟病) 照普通常識來看,收縮期血壓比平均數據高些少並不嚴重,但舒張期血壓則不能高出平均數據,應該即時找醫生診斷和治療,切不可延誤。7638E7481407D16B

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