拔尖計劃 Early Admission Scheme (10 marks)
- 幫我搵下有咩手提附合我果條件!!拜託~
- 中三程度, 點樣先有返中五程度-@1@
- Notebook 加ram價錢(20點)
- 20 分-- 1 條Form 2 數,, 入黎睇下啦...
- 邊到有得買黏土用具------@1@
- 6年A班共80人在這學年進行了四次測驗。第一次測驗有28人合@1@
- 找工作做~20點
- 9款巴士比較@1@
- 名偵探柯南 [20分]@1@
- 有咩200萬-320萬像素既相機電話推介-@1@
1. 拔尖計劃由哪一年開始實行? 2. 每年有多少學生參與拔尖計劃 (請附數據) ?
拔尖計劃係由2003年開始的 CUHK:中大 HKUST:科大 HKU:港大 2003 Entry Distribution of EAS Offer by Participating Institutions Institution Total No. of Applicants CUHK 167 HKUST 34 HKU 231 Total 432 2004 Entry Distribution of EAS Offer by Participating Institutions Institution Total No. of Applicants CUHK 194 HKUST 53 HKU 202 Total 449 2005 Entry Distribution of EAS Offer by Participating Institutions Institution Total No. of Applicants CUHK 192 HKUST 36 HKU 190 Total 418 2006 Entry Distribution of EAS Offer by Participating Institutions Institution Total No. of Applicants CUHK 190 HKUST 37 HKU 191 Total 418 2007 Entry Distribution of EAS Offer by Participating Institutions Institution Total No. of Applicants CUHK 189 HKUST 41 HKU 174 Total 404