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- 230尺,即係幾大地方--
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A.Approximation and Errors1.The number of significant figures in the number of 230.00 is: (A).2 (B).3 (C).4 (D).52.Change the following fractions into decimal numbers,correct the answers to 2 significant figures. (A)4/9 (B)-1/2/33.Estimate the value of the following expressions. ... 顯示更多 A.Approximation and Errors 1.The number of significant figures in the number of 230.00 is: (A).2 (B).3 (C).4 (D).5 2.Change the following fractions into decimal numbers,correct the answers to 2 significant figures. (A)4/9 (B)-1/2/3 3.Estimate the value of the following expressions. (A)139.6+59.82 (B)403.06-79.12 (C)19.9*3.17 (D)88.13/11.02 (E)27.13*3.04-11.19 (F)30.16^2-9.97^2
1.The number of significant figures in the number of 230.00 is: (B).3 2.Change the following fractions into decimal numbers,correct the answers to 2 significant figures.(我唔知你洗5洗寫step) (A)4/9 = 0.444444444.... = 0.44 (B)-1/2/3 = -1.6666666677.... = -1.7 3.Estimate the value of the following expressions.( "~" refers to大約等於) (A)139.6 ~ 140, 59.82 ~ 60 139.6+59.82 ~ 140+60 =200 (B)403.06 ~ 403, 79.12~79 403.06-79.12 ~ 403-79 = 324 (C)19.9 ~ 20, 3.17~ 3 19.9*3.17 ~ 20*3 = 60 (D)88.13 ~ 88, 11.02 ~ 11 88.13/11.02 ~ 88/11 = 8 (E)27.13 ~ 27, 3.04 ~ 3, 11.19 ~ 11 27.13*3.04-11.19 ~ 27*3-11 = 70 (F)30.16 ~ 30, 9.97 ~ 10 30.16^2-9.97^2 ~ 30^2-10^2 = 800 hope can help u: )
1. (D)5 2. (A)4/9=0.44 (B)-1/2/3=-1.7 3.(A)140+60=200 (B)400-80=320 (C)20*3=60 (D)90/10=9 (E)30*3.0-10=80 (F)30^2-10^2=800 Hope I can help you!A215E4A2B88AAE64