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- 作文—20點
With probability of 1/6 there are i defective fuses among 1000 fuses (i=0,1,2,3,4,5). If among 100 fuses selected at random, none was defective, what is the probability of no defective fuses at all?
First of all, before approaching the centre of this question, we have to consider the events "What is the probability of getting 100 non-defective fuse from 1000 fuses in which n is/are defective" (where n = 0,1,2,3,4,5) and their corresponding probabilities Pn. So for P0, it is surely that all 100 selected fuses are non-defective since all are non-defective, hence P0 = 1. For P1, we can think as, out of 1000 fuses, there are a total of 1000C100 possibilities in selecting 100 fuses and, in which there are al total of 999C100 possibilities of selecting 100 non-defective fuses (since 999 are non-defective in this case). Therefore, P1 = 999C100 /1000C100. And the rest can be obtained through such analysis. Summarizing, we have the following probabilities: 圖片參考:http://i117.photobucket.com/albums/o61/billy_hywung/Maths/Bayes.jpg Now, let's back to the centre of the question: Since the fact that "100 fuses are non-defective" has been confirmed, so the possibility to be considered must be one of the 6 mentioned above and hence, by Baye's theorem, the probability that all 1000 fuses are non-defective is: 圖片參考:http://i117.photobucket.com/albums/o61/billy_hywung/Maths/Bayes1.jpg which gives a numerical value of 0.213 (correct to 3 d.p.).
因為none was defective,所以 of no defective fuses係100%7638E7481407D16B