唔該答得完整D =)有埋解釋仲好``謝喔=]1.Mr. Chan had some money. He spent 30%on the first day. Then he spent 25%of the remaining amount on the second day day and he got $1680 left. If Mr.Chan spent another %320, what percentage of the money did he spend altogether?Find the percentage increase or decrease in the... 顯示更多 唔該答得完整D =) 有埋解釋仲好`` 謝喔=] 1.Mr. Chan had some money. He spent 30%on the first day. Then he spent 25%of the remaining amount on the second day day and he got $1680 left. If Mr.Chan spent another %320, what percentage of the money did he spend altogether? Find the percentage increase or decrease in the following. 1. x increases by [8分之1] of original. 2. y increases by [4分之3] of original.
1/ first i think there are some typing mistakes, %320 should be $320, right? Let Mr. Chan had $ M, M - 30%M - 25% * (1-30%)M = 1680 (1-30% - 17.5%) M = 1680 M = 3200 he spend altogether = [(3200-1680)+320] / 3200 * 100% = 52.5% OF THE MONEY 1/ percentage increase = [(1+1/8)x - x] / x * 100% = 12.5% 2/ percentage increase = [(1+3/4) y - y ] / y * 100% = 75%
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