有關shopping 的英文 (URGENT)
在shopping時選好了要購買的衣服,想要新的貨而不想要display.在這個情況下,應該如何用英文表達呢? 如果在check 貨的時候,又遇到了件衣服有damage, 那麼又如何用英文去講呢?
1) I think I'll take this one but I want a new one and not the displayed one. 2) I've found a damaged mark here, do you have a new one for me?
你好, 請問你係客人定係sales? 你指既係你去shopping時有以上情況定係做野時遇到有客人有以上問題? 如客人: 1) may i have a new one please? / do you have another one except the display? 2) i found there is a damage on this clothes, do you have anonther one? 如sales: 1) please wait and i'll will check the stcok for you. 2) i'm sorry about that. would you please wait for a second ? i'll check for another one for you. 希望幫到你~