





1)Find two possible 3-digit denary number such that each of them can be converted into a 8-digit binary number and a 2-digit hexadecimal number2)Find two possible binary number which are divisible by both 6 and 8 when they are converted into denary numbers3)A shop first increases the marked price... 顯示更多 1) Find two possible 3-digit denary number such that each of them can be converted into a 8-digit binary number and a 2-digit hexadecimal number 2) Find two possible binary number which are divisible by both 6 and 8 when they are converted into denary numbers 3) A shop first increases the marked price of a watch, then offers an attractive discount to customers. If the cost of the watch is $860,write down two different strategies of increasing the marked price with a certain percentage and offering a certain discount percentage such that 35% profit will be made when the watch is sold 請你們幫一幫我吧....我是數學白癡T^T


1. 8-digit binary number係10000000-111111111,即係denary:128-255 2-digit hexadecimal number係10-FF,denary:16-255 所以任何數介乎128-255都係答案 答案:200,234 2. LCM of 6 and 8=24 we choose denary numbers:24,48 in binary number:11000,110000 答案:11000,110000 3. find some x,y such that: (x%)x(y%)=135% if x=150,(150%)x(y%)=135% y=135/150 x100=90 $860x150%=$1290,$1290x90%=$1161 if x=200,(200%)x(y%)=135% y=135/200 x100=67.5 $860x200%=$1720,$1720x67.5%=$1161 strategies are:$1290,then$1161 $1720,then$1161


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