我今年F.5 考玩會考會去us讀cc 想讀完1年之後考sat報加拿大大學,, 得唔得架?? 報加拿大大學仲有咩basic requirements?? thz!
For your reference University of British Columbia's General admission requirements English language requirement All prospective students must demonstrate their competency in English before being admitted to UBC. Most Canadian students meet this requirement – called the English Language Admission Standard – by completing three years of full-time education in Canada or the equivalent in another country where English is the principal language. If you do not meet the requirement in this way, you can meet it in other ways. High school requirements UBC has a basic set of requirements that all BC and Yukon high school students must meet. We require that you graduate from high school and successfully complete the following courses. Grade 12 English 12 Three additional Grade 12 courses (additional details apply) Grade 11 English 11 Principles of Mathematics 11 A Grade 11 language course A Grade 11 science course A Grade 11 social studies course International Baccalaureate certificate and Advanced Placement courses can be used to meet the above requirements. You must write Grade 12 provincial exams, even when they’re optional for graduation. Program-specific requirements In addition to the general admission requirements, each UBC program has a set of specific requirements you must meet in order to study in that program. If your program requires a supplemental application, it will be noted in the table below. Some supplemental applications have specific deadlines and fees may apply. Please check your faculty's website for more information. 建議你既然想入讀美國的 cc (社區學院) 不如留在美國升學- 每年分為2個學期(Terms)或稱(Semesters) 完成後,可獲頒副學士學位 幾乎所有學分都可以轉到4年制課程,即只需再讀2或3年,便可取得學士學位 社區學院為剛畢業的中學生提供進修機會,入學要求一般低於4年制大學和學院,學費亦較同類的4年制課程為低。社區學院提供2年制副學士學位課程,副學士繼續攻讀學士學位,可獲豁免部份學分。很多學生選擇社區學院作為入讀4年制大學的踏跳板,以較便宜的價錢先適應當地大學生活,再入讀排名高的大學。