我同我個fd都係第一次去泰國嫁...... 我地都諗住跟團去.... 想問下布吉島,哈哈島,曼谷,芭堤雅邊到最好玩嫁? 同埋十月泰國個邊d天氣係點嫁? 會唔會好熱同埋成日落雨嫁? 更新: 我仲想問下, 如果要對換泰銖, 係咪去到泰國先換好d? 定還是應該係香港換?
If you like swimming and beach , then Phuket is good . Phuetk no shopping . Pattaya beach ok , travel from Bangkok to Pattaya around 1.3 hrs , but if you can effort , phuket better . Phuket can try Deevana Patong ... jacuzzi room ..very good around HKD 900 Bankok no rain season .... end of year will more rain Thai bath can change at the airport or Bigger shopping mall , very easy .............. expert KK
Dream word, siam pargon At 3-4p.m. there should be a little rain In Thailand, in some small shopping mall, you can change over there, because you can change more!!! But..........you should change some in Hong Kong too, but not too much, because you change is just a little, not much!!! I have been to Thailand before!!!!