82 Lafite, 82 & 83 Latour and 28 Cos d'Estournel
I've recently received the captioned wines from a family member. Was wondering what current prices are and whether its good to sell now.
~ les cotes de ces vins ont beaucoup remonté à cause de l'effet de 2005 I only know Europe auction prices: Cos d'Estournel 1928 ~ 300€ - 350€ Latour 1982 ~ 700€ -750€ . 1983 ~ 110€ - 125€ Lafite 1982 ~ 700€ - 800€ lafite and latour 1982, only +-500€ in 2004. so maybe sell them now :) 2006-12-11 09:18:25 補充: for me, if I were you, I will just keep it. 1928 !!,, (sell us$850 in some website)very very good year you can still keep it or drink! see lien:http://www.cosestournel.com/millesimes.asp?annee=1928
1982 Lafite - (RP 100) wine of the century - US$1,500 1982 Latour (RP 98/100)- US$1,600 1983 Latour (RP 85/100) - US$200 1928 Cos d'Estournel - US$1,200 - US$1,400 Notes: 1. All price quoted above is approx. and reflects international retail prices. 2. HK retail prices will be doubled due to import tax. 3. Wine shop buy back price not estimated because wine condition not known at time of estimation. Your relatives is very generous. These 4 bottles total about US$5,000.