1。係咪要係香港申請左加拿大同美國兩個VISA先? 2。因為架車係租既,過境駛唔駛換第二架車? 3。有冇由加拿大陸路入境去美國既路線圖?
1。係咪要係香港申請左加拿大同美國兩個VISA先? 答: 香港人旅遊加國, 是無須簽證; 但是, 由加拿大駕車往美國, 需持有有效的美國簽證 (VISA)。 2。因為架車係租既,過境駛唔駛換第二架車? 答: 美、加車輛, 在兩地是可以自由出、入境; 但是, 兩地居民的駕駛習慣, 仍存在少許的分別, 最好多作這方面的了解。 3。有冇由加拿大陸路入境去美國既路線圖? 答: BC省到美國, 下列是主要陸路入境去美國的道路: - 56th Street- BC 6 - BC 11- BC 13- BC 15 - BC 97 - BC 41 - BC 22 - BC 21 - BC 95 - BC 93- BC 395 筆者, 加國公民
vancouver~?|||||在邊個地點出發vancouver/toronto?|||||1. Only the U.S. Visa is needed. Unless you are a DI holder, otherwise, HKSAR Passport and BN(O) Passport allow you to travel to Canada for up to 6 months without a visa. 2. No. But please make sure that any insurance you have will cover when you cross the border (such as credit card, purchase from car rental). 3. Too many routes (there are at least 50 land-crossing border stations you can use). Please be specific, otherwise, see here: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_Canada_%E2%80%93_United_States_border_crossings