F.4 math i need your help!!
if z varies directly as x and inversely as y, then A. xyz is a constantB. xz/y is a constantC. xy/z is a constantD. x/yz is a constantD is the answerAlso, if x varies jointly as y^2 and z^2, then which of the following is a constant?a. xb. y^2z^2c. z^2/xy^2d. y^2/xz^2e.... 顯示更多 if z varies directly as x and inversely as y, then A. xyz is a constant B. xz/y is a constant C. xy/z is a constant D. x/yz is a constant D is the answer Also, if x varies jointly as y^2 and z^2, then which of the following is a constant? a. x b. y^2z^2 c. z^2/xy^2 d. y^2/xz^2 e. x/y^2z^2 e is the answer! i don't know how to find the constant!! can you please show me the steps and eplain clearly?? Thank youo very much!! and the last! if x varies inversely as 1/y, then.. A. y varies as 1/x B.y varies as x C. y varies as 1/x^2 D.y varies as x^2 E. xy is a constant the answer is B thank you very much!! i appreciate your kind help!!
你知道constant通常都係叫做k嫁hor?通常你要睇得明段英文知道係正比定係反比之後就加個k比題目as後面嗰堆野(為左方便睇我建議你用分開k同埋你整嗰抽野,以下係小弟個人見解 1.z=kx/y kz=x/y k=x/yz 答案所以係d 2.x=ky^2z^2 x/z^2=ky^2 x/z^2y^2=k 答案所以係e? 3.第三條好易=.=我用中文解你會明 當x同1/y乘反比,咁啫係話當x不後增加而1/y就不停咁減少 但係1/y同y唔同1/y其實當1/y入面你個y愈大個數計出黎係愈細eg:1/8,1/10 所以就只係好似計乘除數咁將個y反轉再反轉啫........(簡單黎講啫係無變過) 希望我幫到你啦有唔明可以隨時再問我^^ 2008-09-24 00:55:34 補充: constant啫係指一個永遠o係一條題目入面不變既數 中文又叫常數