有個外國買家想向我買東西, 但我不知是否騙人
有個外國買家想向我買東西, 但我不知是否騙人, 因為我都係初次賣東西, 不過係咪同人交易如困係by post都係銀行戶口人地, 但姓名係咪一定要價, 佢話叫我比個a/c 佢佢會連郵費入錢比我, 呢個case 佢會唔會係一個騙案呢?Hello Friend, I am very sorry for the late reply and as you can see I am a very busy person at work and that is why it took so long before I could reply you and that is why I am even buying out of... 顯示更多 有個外國買家想向我買東西, 但我不知是否騙人, 因為我都係初次賣東西, 不過係咪同人交易如困係by post都係銀行戶口人地, 但姓名係咪一定要價, 佢話叫我比個a/c 佢佢會連郵費入錢比我, 呢個case 佢會唔會係一個騙案呢? Hello Friend, I am very sorry for the late reply and as you can see I am a very busy person at work and that is why it took so long before I could reply you and that is why I am even buying out of auction so I will like to finalize this transaction as soon as possible within days....I am shipping it to myself here in the USA and if I am okay with the item I might buy more and send it to my warehouses in other countries,I have included in this email the link to the Hong Kong speed post post office where you can check out the exact shipping EMS speedpost fee to the US,here is the link http://app1.hongkongpost.com/CGI/speedpost/eng/rate/step1.jsp and I will need this below information from you so that I can make the payment for the item right away -- 1.) The exact name of the item I want to buy. 2.) The amount you are offering to sell it to me per piece or if you have plenty pieces up to 5 pieces and if it is only 1 piece you have I will buy the only one piece which you have. 3.) If you have more other items please let me know because I might be interested in buying more than 1 item.4.) The shipping fees to this my address in the US after the checking on the Hong Kong Post Office Name : Tina Merhai Address : 9533 Sutphin Blvd City : Jamaica State : NY Zip Code : 11435 Country : USA Phone Number : 601-399-3992 更新: 5.) your bank account information like your bank account number,bank name and your bank account holder name so I can make the Hong Kong $$ bank transfer payment right away to any of your local Hong Kong bank account e.g (boc,hang seng,hsbc,citibank, 更新 2: standard chartered,Nanyang Commerical Bank,Bank of East Asia etc). 6.) Let me know the total amount I am to pay and remember include/add the shipping fees of the item(s) to USA (You can check shipping fees here online 更新 3: http://app1.hongkongpost.com/CGI/speedpost/eng/rate/step1.jsp). (If it is only one piece you have) Total plus shipping fees for 1 piece : (If it is five pieces you have) Total plus shipping fees for 5 pieces OR any number of pieces less 5 pieces :
tt 錢是要個ac holder name , 同ac no 既, 你咁驚,咪開過新的, 無咩錢的ac, 或者去成立間公司再去銀行用你公名 記得密碼就死都唔好比, 但是覺得騙案就報警吧
你收到的是百分百的拍賣欺騙電郵,你可以參考以下的知識+問題,當中的電郵內容你可能會有「似曾相識」的感覺:http://hk.knowledge.yahoo.com/question/question?qid=7009060800001 http://hk.knowledge.yahoo.com/question/question?qid=7009061401147 http://hk.knowledge.yahoo.com/question/question?qid=7009061101826 一般拍賣騙案都符合以下條件: 1.是外地買方(多數是USA、UK、Nigeria) 2.對方不會 / 有時於Yahoo!拍賣度問你,但會比較喜歡以電郵直接聯絡賣家,為了不想於拍賣場度留記錄。 3.對方表示好.想買那貨品(例如:自己想要、唔知邊個既小朋友生日要送比佢、有人結婚要送禮...),並表示願意出高價向 你fast trade(一般是高於開售價10倍,甚至100倍的價 錢)。 4.對方要求賣家儘快寄貨比佢。 5.要求以EMS寄貨。 你亦可以參考以下報導: http://ireport.on.cc/p/b5/web/Detail.jsp?bid=14644&pager.offset=10