Y-3 country of origion
Hi Buddy, Do you know Y-3 is a Japanese Brand or not. It is cheaper and more series in Japan. THx
Y3 is definitely a Japanese Brand, yes. The price is the same in Japan, not cheaper. more information: 山本 耀司、Yōji Yamamoto is a world famous Japanese designer. He created Y3 in 2003. He opened Y's line flagship store in Roppongi Hills in 2003. Later Adidas joined with him and produced products with both names. other items: Principal lines * Yohji Yamamoto * Yohji Yamamoto POUR HOMME * Yohji Yamamoto + NOIR * Y's * Y's for men * Y-3 * Y's for living
I think Y-3 is from Adidas, so the brand is from US, but the designer is from Japan, he is Yohji Yamamoto 2007-07-23 23:33:52 補充: Y-3,這個由世界頂級設計師山本耀司(YohjiYamamoto)擔任創意總監與adidas合作的全新品牌正式於2006春夏進入中國。品牌的Y代表YohjiYamamoto,而3則代表adidas三條線的logo。創意總監山本耀司將其個人品牌的簡潔、極具設計感的風格融入Y-3.gb.cri.cn/9964/2006/04/28/147@1023193.htm